5 years ago

Trump is coercing and asking for dialogue with Iranian officials: this president is crazy!

1 min read

The relationship between the United States and Iran has been very tense, and there is a risk of firearms on both sides. In response to the two-handed strategy of US President Trump’s hard and soft strategy, Iranian officials bluntly said that Trump is crazy.

According to CNN’s May 20 report, Iranian Foreign Affairs Director Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said in a CNN interview on the 20th that Donald Trump continued The practice of killing the Iranian economy and asking Iran to negotiate is “mad.”

The diplomat said that if the president wants to negotiate, he must not only show some respect, but also the information must be distributed. Abdullahih told CNN: “In Trump’s imagination, he thinks that sanctions have pointed to Iran’s head like a gun. He thinks he can completely destroy our economy. Now he wants us to give him Calling? This is a crazy president!”

Abdullah Xi’an continued, there are many contradictory opinions inside the White House. He refers to the White House’s “militants” and named the US National Security Adviser John Bolton. In addition, he also said, “Trump is not very balanced and stable in decision-making, so we are dealing with a confused Bai Rong. He said that Iran has received many messages, that is, no one knows who is in the White House.

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