5 years ago

Critics Wen Cuishan refers to London to be “very careful” Huawei

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trump brexit

US President Trump visited the UK for three days on Monday (June) and accepted some British media interviews before leaving. He talked about the “breakup fee” of Brexit, Huawei, hinting at supporting former British foreign minister Boris Johnson as prime minister, and criticizing the performance of Britain’s current Prime Minister Theresa May. His remarks have already caused a lot of trouble. The British government is even more embarrassed.

In his interview with The Sunday Times, he said: “You know that we have a very important intelligence gathering organization (five-eye alliance) and have close cooperation with you (the UK), so you have to be very careful,” Trump said. “Well, you (the United Kingdom) have other options, and we must be very careful when we stand on national security.”

Trump’s remarks are like a warning to the United Kingdom. It is estimated that when he meets with Wen Cuishan, he will directly pressure the London government.

In an interview with the British “Sun” (released on May 31), he criticized Wen Cuishan for handling the Brexit approach and let the EU take control of the situation. But he later expressed respect for her, saying that she must be more aware of the facts than herself.

During his visit, the US president appreciated the former British foreign minister, Johnson, who said that he “is a very good person and a very talented person.” Although he did not openly and fully support Johnson as the British prime minister, he described the other party as a prime minister. jobs.

Trump advocates that the “hard Brexit” flag bearer and the Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage should be sent to the negotiations. And threatened the EU to refuse to pay the Brexit “breakup fee” until the EU meets the British requirements.

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