5 years ago

“People’s Daily” talks about the resumption of economic and trade consultations between China and the United States

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The CCP’s “People’s Daily” issued a document today stating that the first meeting of the US dollar between the two countries reached an important consensus. Unfortunately, after the meeting of the heads of state, Kudlow, the director of the White House National Economic Council, became the first US official to come out and re-adjust the old.

The article stated that the meeting between the heads of state of China and the United States reached an important consensus and sent positive and positive signals to the international community and the global market. The prospects for resuming economic and trade consultations between China and the United States on the basis of equality and mutual respect are even more eye-catching. Regrettably, just after the meeting of the heads of state, Lawrence Kudlow, director of the White House National Economic Council, became the first senior US official to come out and replay the old tune.

Kudlow accepted a visit on Sunday (June 30), and Donald Trump’s permission for Huawei to purchase US products does not mean “big bang” or re-entangle the so-called “Intellectual Property Theft, Forced Technology”. Issues such as transfer, cyber theft.

The People’s Daily criticized that the information he released was inconsistent with the consensus reached by the two heads of state in Osaka. He also pointed out that “some hawkish politicians in the US Congress have publicly called for the suppression of Huawei as one of the few effective levers they have,” forcing China to make concessions – they use “unjustness” to create another “injustice” plot. , clearly revealed.

The article said that the essence of China-US economic and trade cooperation is mutual benefit and win-win situation. The differences between the two sides will eventually find a solution acceptable to both sides through equal dialogue and consultation. All of this requires sincerity and action to deliver. To restart economic and trade consultations, we must accurately understand that “the two benefits are good, the fighting is hurt, the cooperation is better than friction, and the dialogue is better than confrontation.” On the fundamental issue concerning the development of China-US relations, we must conform to the objective laws of historical development.

The article pointed out that to push China-US relations to overcome difficulties and develop steadily, it still requires a lot of hard work. How the China-US economic and trade consultations will be restarted and how to proceed will be discussed by the economic and trade teams of the two sides on specific issues. However, it is clear that the two sides must follow the principles and directions set by the heads of state of China and the United States and consolidate the important foundation of equality and mutual respect. In particular, we cannot misjudge the trend because of the resurgence of several waves.

At the end of the article, “The honesty, the way of heaven; the person who believes in sincerity, the way of human beings. The opportunity for the development of China-US relations is precious. The good momentum of resuming economic and trade consultation needs to be cherished more. People are looking forward to the promise of trustworthiness and compliance with the general trend. Action and positive energy.”

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