5 years ago

US Senator sent a letter to the Ministry of National Defense requesting disclosure of the list of Chinese military companies in the United States

1 min read
China US

US cross-party senators, including Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer, wrote to US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper on September 12 to openly open companies owned by the Chinese military and operating in the United States. In an effort to stop these companies from stealing technology for military use.

Reuters reported on the 12th that the Democratic Party of Congress and the Republican senator jointly stated in the letter that the company held by the Chinese government, through the acquisition of US companies, to transfer patent technology, and cited the 1999 National Defense Authorization Act (National Defense Authorization) Act, NDAA), requires the Department of Defense to publicly be owned by the Chinese military and operate in the United States.

A spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in the United States said that the allegations were “unfounded” and belonged to “Cold War Thinking” and stated that China’s strategic goal is to integrate defense and economic fields.

A US Department of Defense report in 2018 pointed out that China’s global supply of rare earth minerals dominates. Rare earths are critical to the US military’s actions, the supply of electronic components and chemicals. “China has significant and growing risks in the supply of rare earths and the strategic and critical technologies for US national security.”

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