5 years ago

Johnson is cold and “confidante” Business woman sighs: I am not your one-night stand object

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boris johnson

Jennifer Arcuri, who was accused of having a personal relationship with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, was interviewed on the British Independent Television (ITV) program Exposure on Sunday (17th), describing Johnson as a “short one-night stand” “Object” also accused the other party of refusing to answer her phone call, making her feel “heartbroken” and “humiliated”.

Johnson was accused of serving as the mayor of London between 2008 and 2016, allegedly offering a discount to a privately-owned American business woman, Alcuri, to obtain funding that she should not be able to obtain; Johnson denied involvement in misconduct.

Alcuri was accused of obtaining the privilege of participating in a foreign trade mission during his tenure as mayor of London and receiving a public loan of £126,000 (approximately HK$1.27 million). When she accepted the interview, she said, “I am just a loyal and true confidante. I keep secrets for you, I have always been your friend, and I don’t understand why you blocked me, don’t ignore me, just like I am a A short one-night stand, or a girl you hooked up in the bar, but I don’t, and you know. I am abandoned by you, which makes me very sad. He should know me very well, he should I feel ashamed to not pick up my phone.”

Alcuri also pointed out that just after Johnson’s success as prime minister, “When I said that I wanted to talk to him, someone told me: “There is something more important to worry about.” I am completely ignored, I am like One of the girlfriends of US President Kennedy is waiting to call him in front of his White House telephone switchboard. I feel so disgusting and embarrassed, they told me that there are more important things to worry about, ignore you.”

There are many “black history” on Johnson’s love road. He has experienced two marriages, and it is even more “extraordinary and affluent.” After divorcing his first wife in 1993, he married Marina Wheeler, who later had four children. He had an extramarital affair at least twice afterwards. The two finally signed a divorce in 2018, but the divorce procedure is still being processed. Johnson is currently living at 10 Downing Street with his new girlfriend, Carrie Symonds.

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