5 years ago

Wang Yi talks about China and US reaching first-phase trade agreement: good news for the world

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china US trade war

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on December 14 that China and the United States reached a phased economic and trade agreement that does not target or affect the legitimate rights and interests of third parties, which is good news for all countries and the world. He said that there are still many issues in China-US relations that need to be taken seriously and dealt with properly, and he hopes that the United States will work with China.

During his visit to Slovenia, Wang Yi met with reporters after meeting with local Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Miro Cerar. In response to a reporter’s question, Wang Yi talked about the impact of the first-phase trade agreement reached between China and the United States.

Wang Yi: The teams of the two sides reached an agreement after repeated communication

He said that China has always disapproved of using tariffs to resolve economic and trade frictions because there is no winner in the trade war and China also opposes the practice of unilateral pressure because it does not conform to WTO rules. He said that after repeated compromises between the teams of the two sides, China and the United States finally reached an agreement on the first phase of the economic and trade agreement. The United States promised to cancel the tariff increase in stages. Describe the agreement as a solution to the concerns of both sides and reflects the spirit of mutual respect. It is also the result of equal consultations.

He said that this agreement is in line with the inherent needs of high-quality development of the Chinese economy and the common interests of the Chinese and American peoples, and is conducive to the gradual restoration of stable and normal economic and trade relations between China and the United States.

There are still many problems in China-US relations

Wang Yi said that there are still many issues in China-US relations that require attention and proper handling. He hoped that the United States would work with China to effectively manage differences and promote China-US relations based on coordination, cooperation and stability.

Wang Yi emphasized that the conclusion of a phased economic and trade agreement between China and the United States does not target or affect the legitimate rights and interests of third parties, but is good news for countries and the world.

Wang Yi: Chinese companies will increase imports of products and services from the United States and other places

He said that China-US trade cooperation will be based on WTO rules, and Chinese enterprises will increase the import of more competitive products and services from the United States and other countries in accordance with the principles of marketization and commercialization. He emphasized that China is deepening reform and opening up, and China’s market will continue to expand. This is an opportunity for the United States and an opportunity for Europe and other countries.

He said that China has always opposed protectionism and advocated the construction of an open economy. All countries should provide a fair and non-discriminatory environment for normal trade and investment. China welcomes companies from all countries to compete on the Chinese market on an equal footing and welcomes more European superior products to enter China. market.


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