5 years ago

Cui Tiankai: Cooperation is the only correct choice

1 min read
china us trade war

After US President Donald Trump announced that he would soon sign a trade agreement with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Chinese Ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai was interviewed on December 27 to interpret the different expressions of China and the United States on the first phase of the agreement and whether it would fall into a new one. A round of trade war.

Comprehensive media reported on December 29 that the China CCTV News client announced on the 29th that Cui Tiankai accepted an online interview with the host of China World Television (CGTN) “Victory World” and answered questions on the Taiwan issue and its impact on China-US relations.

Regarding economic and trade issues, China and the United States are about to sign the first phase of the agreement. Is there a specific time, place and form? How to interpret the different external expressions of China and the United States? China believes that once the first-phase agreement is signed, can it be effectively implemented? Is there any prospect of agreement negotiation in the second stage in the future?

Cui Tiankai responded that the economic and trade consultation teams of the two sides are working together to sign the relevant agreement and will release the news in an appropriate manner at an appropriate time. As for the description of the agreement between China and the United States, different people have different styles, but the fact is clear that China-US economic and trade relations should be based on mutual benefit.

There is no doubt that China will honor and fulfill its commitments. With regard to the next step, the teams of both sides are working for the national interests of the two countries. Their work is also carried out under the guidance of the heads of state of the two countries. They should be allowed to do their own work.

Some people in the United States believe that the US’s engagement policy with China has failed and that China is regarded as an adversary or even an enemy. How will this affect China-US relations? Will China and the United States fall into the “new cold war”, “decoupling”, technology war, or even a new round of trade war?

Cui Tiankai acknowledged that indeed many different voices have been heard in the United States over the years, but stressed that many Americans, including government officials, academics, and ordinary people from different cities and counties, still support the establishment of better and mutually beneficial relations with China. And such people are the majority.

Cui Tiankai believes that talking about and even advocating the “new cold war”, “decoupling” and “technology war” or any other new “war” is extremely irresponsible words and deeds, and cooperation is our only correct choice.


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