5 years ago

Trump’s conflict with the Justice Department increases dissatisfaction

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The conflict between U.S. President Donald Trump and the Department of Justice has intensified. On February 15, the U.S. Department of Justice announced that it would not prosecute Trump’s “eye-stabbing”. ), US media reported that this move displeased the US president. Coupled with the fact that Attorney General William Barr rarely rammed Trump publicly a few days ago, public opinion is even more speculative whether the Attorney General will be replaced again. Analysis shows that Barr is not in danger of being fired immediately, but the relationship between the two is unprecedented Threat.

Don’t sue former FBI Deputy Commissioner Trump for dissatisfaction

The Washington Post quoted informed official sources reporting that Trump was convinced that the Justice Department should take action, and that the Department of Justice did not notify Trump before announcing that it would not prosecute McCabe, prompting the U.S. President to This dissatisfaction was even soothed by several White House lawyers, such as legal counsel Pat Cipollone, hoping that he would calm down.

Although Trump and Barr had a conversation at noon on February 14, White House aides suggested that Trump should avoid talking about the McCabe incident. The content of the conversation between the two is unknown.

Trump Barr’s contradictions increase?

The contradiction between Trump and Barr is also related to the independence of the Justice Department. In fact, recently, the outside world suspected that Trump pressured the Justice Department, and Barr tried to refute this challenge. The incident originated from Trump’s friend and former campaign adviser Roger Stone, who was convicted of deceiving Congress and other prosecutors. Prosecutors originally suggested that Stone be jailed for 7 to 9 years, but then posted on Trump on a social network After saying that “this type of judicial injustice cannot be tolerated,” the Ministry of Justice withdrew the sentencing proposal on the same day, and there was an uproar.

Barr, the attorney general, emphasized that he had not been intervened, arguing that hours after he had made his decision, Trump had issued a statement denying justice. When Barr later defended, he even rarely publicly opposed Trump.

Barr hits Trump

According to the ABC, Barr said in an interview on February 13 that President Trump never asked him to do anything in criminal cases, but it should indeed stop tweets about criminal cases in the Department of Justice, let alone “These tweets made it difficult for him to perform his duties.”

In response to Barr’s remarks, Trump emphasized his power in response. He posted on the social networking site Twitter, first quoting Barr saying “the president never asked me to do anything in a criminal case”, and then he said “this does not mean that I have no legal authority as the president to do so, I have, but So far I have chosen not to do this! “

Barr finds outside prosecutors involved in Flynn case

In fact, the Department of Justice announced on February 14 that Barr appointed an external prosecutor, Jeffrey Jensen, a prosecutor from St. Louis, to examine one of the key members of the “Russian Russia”, the former U.S. In the case of national security adviser Michael Flynn, a month ago, Flynn filed a plea to plead guilty. Now, Barr’s decision to engage outside prosecutors in the Flynn case may also cause Trump to be dissatisfied.

The Attorney General will be replaced?

During his tenure, Trump originally used Attorney General Jeff Sessions, but was dissatisfied with the other party’s avoidance of the “Through Russia” investigation. As a result, in November 2018, Trump requested Sessions to resign. Trump nominates Barr as Attorney General. Will Barr now share the same fate as Sessions?

Many people even think that Trump has previously been dissatisfied with the release of his other “stabbing eye” from the Justice Department, former FBI director James Comey, who leaked out the contents of his past meeting with Trump. However, in August 2019, a public report from the Justice Department pointed out that Comey only violated the department’s internal policies and employment agreements and decided not to prosecute. At that time, Trump was already very angry.

However, the Washington Post quoted three White House official sources as saying that Barr is still one of Trump’s most loyal and efficient officials, and believes that he was not immediately fired, but that the current relationship between the two did occur Unprecedented threat. As for inside and outside the Ministry of Justice, officials are cautiously observing, some question whether Barr really has formed a trump with Trump, and some privately appreciate Barr’s actions in defending the department, but almost everyone is curious as to what the next step will be. 

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