3 years ago

What are the best competitor analysis steps to lean the brand competitors?

2 mins read

Definitely, If you monitor your brand competitor with a strategic approach such as using the competition analytical tools and the best competitor analysis steps to lean and wining over the brand competitors

There are plenty of digital marketing tools/social media marketing tools/competitors monitoring tools (web/app), competition analytical tools that can analyze everything about the brand competitors.

But except using these types of web competition analysis/monitor tools, you can analyze the competition manually by following,

These The best competitor analysis 22 Steps:

Step 1. keywords data sorting:
Sort own branded and niches keywords that are the most competitive analysis.

Step 2. Arrange keywords set one by one:
Arrange keywords data by high volume, medium, low volume.

Step 3. SERPs ranked data sorting: Sort data by per top search query

Step 4. Defining the top SERPs: Find out who is at the top by search terms

Step 5. Create a competition monitoring table, following the Brand Competition Analysis Table Chart format:

Step 6. Create an alert: to monitor a brand competitor closely use Google alert, and other online alert tools.

Step 7. Feed Subscription: Directly subscribe on the brand competitor’s products page, a weblog/website, blog posts feed, join in a webinar/event (anomalously.

“Do something different (whether it’s in business competition, or in practical life) that has enough reason for people to be jealous, interested, inspired, and influenced. –Momenul Ahmad

Step 8. Hashtags, Tags, Brand Mention: To monitor these engaging features for any business competitors use hashtags and brand mention monitoring tools for hassle-free competitor analysis.

Step 9. Mystery shopper, service seekers, email communicator, press release subscription, Reviews data collection and analysis, forums and group posts, social share, comments monitoring, mystery call: Use these techniques to unfold the hidden economical competition of an unseen, direct and indirect competitor.

Step 10. Analyze Brand competitor’s business pages (LinkedIn, Google Page), shopping sites/store, and service features: I.e. Privacy, Terms, and Conditions, Cupon, Voucher Gift, Shipping, Refund, Loyalty.

competitor analysis

Step 11. Social Media Channels, and Social Media Posts: Analyze Social Media Profile/Page, Analyze a specific Social Media Post (engaging, upcoming, promotional, products launch), in case of a large business competitor get the help from data scraping tools (arrange data by pre-command) as well as competition monitoring and social media monitoring tools.

Step 12. Competitors Benchmarking: In this stage collect the competitor’s data from the various data paths, i.e: by platform, by-products or service, types of product, types of content, types of demography, types of gender, purchasing habits, age group, by the audience interest.

Step 13. Paid Campaign Monitor: To monitor the competitor paid campaigns (PPC, SEM, Influencers marketing, Social Media Ads) follow their Ads campaign and Influencers’ Marketing Efforts.

If a competitor’s tremendous business growth makes you feel jealous then your competitor is a gainer over you, any doubt! And, If a competitor’s business growth hookup you to analysis the Brand Competition between compete (you) and competitor.

Likewise, a business competition makes you feel inspired and influenced then you must go to do better than your brand competitor.

Read more, The rest of 9 of 22 is the best competitor analysis steps to win over the brand competitors.

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