2 years ago

Why things make me think about life?

1 min read

no one can shake me with their words, Yes I feel bad about some things at times but not so much that it breaks me, Because I know that I am an installation of God, when His installation is complete, then He will call me to Himself. I am not proud of myself, I just want that no one should remember me after my death. Because when people remember me, I have to go through their eyes, I will be with them but not forever , Because then I will have only remorse, then all those sins will be with me which I used to think mistakes earlier, then I will understand that I wish everything was fine If I understood everything first, but who can understand God, yes I believe that God is everything but a human can never become God. If this were the case, then the world would not have been a sin, I have learned one thing while living alive, human beings make their own life and themselves get spoiled. When a child is born, he is unable to speak; when he grows up, people are taught to speak to the child , when the child grows up And when he himself wants to speak, then his voice is suppressed by those people who taught him to speak .I think a person can live a good life only if he has good luck, because if someone asks me then a middle class has no life In reality, the meaning of his life is Struggle, where he worries every moment, his every lazy strech scares him at every second.

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