Three Years of Major Events has hidden the real cost on the U.S. stock market

In an article posted in the New York Post yesterday, it was announced that President Biden has come under fire for the creation of a “dystopian” disinformation bureau under his Homeland Security department. Critics are blasting this as just a way for the government to police free speech online. The timing coincides timely with Elon Musk’s recent purchase this week of Twitter and his dedication to it becoming a free speech haven for content creators and thought leaders from both political sides of the spectrum.
One year ago, in April, we were experiencing an additional wave of Covid, with increased lockdowns. Two years ago, in April, the Federal Reserve printed trillions of dollars in new money.
All three years, these events served as distractions from one of the greatest ongoing frauds to the American public: the falsification and fraud inherent in DEF14A, corporate proxy statements. These are the statements that Board of Directors get voted on for Board roles in Corporate America. Often, when digging deep and examining their backgrounds, the proxy statement experience often doesn’t actually match the candidate’s real work or skills. There is often quite a large disconnect.
That’s called a material misrepresentation of a public filing with the SEC.
Unfortunately, for everyone, including shareholders, employees, workers, and customers, companies appointing less-than-qualified people to the Board does have a material business impact and a long-term impact on the stock price.
While this falls under the SEC, Chairman Gensler has spent most of his time killing the SPAC market and overstepping his authority when it comes to cryptocurrencies.
I kindly request that the SEC does its job and more thoroughly examine the Board of Director appointments in the DEF14A proxy statement public filings.