
Technology has provided many entrepreneurs with opportunities to pursue their start-up dreams. Google, Facebook and Tesla are just three companies founded by people with technology skills. This section will study the role of start-ups in the future of future businesses. We will look at various business sectors in order to explore the possibilities for a technological market disruption by start-ups.


We will concentrate on sectors – digital agencies, banking sector and microchip industry – that have been disrupted by digital technologies brought in by smaller start-ups over the last few years. The future of these start-ups will depend on the complexity and uniqueness of their value proposition. They should innovate beyond convention and not neglect high-tech, low-tech, or no-tech solutions. Remember that users love when these companies provide state-of-the art solutions for common problems.


Conventional start-ups will fall behind in the new digital era, leaving spaces for fearless entrepreneurs with agile ideas to always find their way through crowded online marketplaces and dominate their industries by innovative solutions. Inputting our worlds into code is a revolutionary process that will be the key to putting this democratic power in the hands of all to tap into. Together technology stands strong with us. Who are the SMEs and entrepreneurs?


The answer is relatively easy, they are everyone in your everyday life and anywhere really all over the world. The nice thing about this revolution, is there doesn’t seem to be an age limit on it either.

Author: Professor (Dr.) Sanjay Rout(Psychiatry, Research Scientist, Advocate, Journalist, Author,Coach & Futurist)

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