8 months ago

Family marketing in Vietnam: Golden chance for brands

4 mins read

With the characteristics of Eastern culture, Vietnamese people attach great importance to culture and family values. For them, family is the foundation for the development of society. Brands that proactively connect with families and pay attention to family values ​​will more easily create sympathy and gain the love of consumers.

Why do brands need to care about family marketing in Vietnam?

High demand and purchasing power 

According to the World Data Lab, by 2024 Vietnam will have 4 million more people joining the middle class. This means that the demand and affordability of middle-class households will also increase. This is one of the positive signals for brands to be more proactive in connecting with Vietnamese families.

Increase consumer connection and loyalty

With the characteristics of Eastern culture, Vietnamese people attach great importance to family values. Vietnamese people develop thanks to the connection from Home – Village – Country, so for them, family is the foundation for the development of society. Brands that highlight their concern for family values ​​will more easily create sympathy and gain the love of consumers. That is also the reason why Tet holiday has become an advertising race about family values. Common messages are “return home” and “reunite”. Every Tet holiday, the public will pay attention to discuss and choose the most meaningful advertising campaign. In addition, there are also other Vietnamese holidays related to family and reunion for brands to take advantage of such as the Mid-Autumn Festival or Vietnamese Family Day on June 28.

The impact lasts across generations

As more and more brands appear in the market, brands that have an attachment to previous generations will receive more favor from consumers. Especially for household products that are used daily such as washing powder or razors, young consumers will easily tend to choose products that their mother or father often uses. They trust their parents’ choices so much that they don’t need to do any more research about that product.

So what is the “common for mula” for successful marketing campaigns for families? Let’s find out with EloQ through the following section. 

  1. Harmony between traditional and modern values

While families struggle with the generation gap when having to live among different generations in the same house, brands also struggle to balance the needs and desires of multiple generations in one place. media campaign planning products.

The key to this problem is the combination of traditional and modern values ​​together. In this way, the brand can both satisfy the older generations and create a connection with young people. Brands often take advantage of product capabilities to emphasize their ability to meet the convenient lifestyle of modern families so that they can spend more quality time with loved ones. Or recently, Knorr’s fish sauce advertisement emphasized the inheritance and development of mother’s recipes, bringing traditional Tet dishes that are both delicious and fast for the family.

In addition, the combination of tradition and modernity can also lie in expanding the definition of family. As in the Tet advertising campaign of Manwah hot pot brand, although still focusing on the traditional value of togetherness, the brand has very well exploited stories from different modern families such as LGBT families. , single mother families or families who are close colleagues. Through these diverse family images, the brand can both highlight the ‘togetherness’ of its hot pot brand and reach a diverse audience.

  1. The rise of Family Influencers

As the Millennials and Gen Z generations get closer to the age of getting married, family KOLs become an indispensable part of the success of media/advertising campaigns about family. Family KOLs are families with great influence and are role models for many other families in raising children, taking care of the house or family travel,… The content of these family KOLs is often Focusing on everyday life, it can easily respond and be suitable for many brands.

By building images of happy, warm and joyful families, these families become role models for many other families. Therefore, the products introduced by them are also trusted by consumers with the desire to bring the best things to their families.

The story of the 100 billion livestream sessions of KOL Quyen Leo Daily’s family is the clearest proof of this trend. Taking advantage of an existing audience of people interested in family values, this KOL family has successfully sold a lot of essential household products.

  1. In the family, equality is also needed

The development of the media/advertising industry is associated with eliminating and preventing the reinforcement of gender stereotypes in campaigns. Along with the progress in society’s ideology on gender equality, in recent years, family advertisements have increasingly focused on expressing gender equality, breaking stereotypes and gender roles. traditional rigid game. This demonstrates the change of brands in adapting to the needs and desires of consumers, especially the younger generations.

As a brand of kitchen products, BlueStone has been successful in its media campaign calling for men’s participation in housework. By announcing the shocking TVC data that “88% of men believe that cooking is women’s work”, BlueStone has attracted a large amount of public attention to conclude that “housework is for sharing”. ”. Instead of painting a warm family scene with a woman tied to the kitchen while her husband and children happily enjoy food, the brand has left a special mark in the Vietnamese market by creating a message of support. gender equality. Following that success, the message “Kitchen is shared” was also reused by the brand when building a picture of children also helping their parents with housework. The message of equality is therefore not only valid between genders but can also extend across generations.

  1. The mother is the “internal minister” but do not “ignore” the role of the father

When observing advertisements for families, it is easy to see the prominent role of women. They are mothers, grandmothers, or mothers-in-law. They take care of the house, cook, teach children and iron clothes for their husbands. So why is the role of women so often highlighted?

That is because Vietnamese people have long believed that “Men build houses, women build homes”. In other words, women are expected to take care of the house, take care of the family and make most of the purchasing decisions in the family. Therefore, it can be concluded that women are the center of consumer culture. Targeting on women will more easily ensure profitability for brands.

However, do not ignore the role of men in the family. Men also make great contributions to building, protecting and maintaining the stability and development of the family. They are the financial pillars, important decision makers and also the spiritual support for their wives and children. Balancing the portrayal of the roles of both genders in the communication campaign will help the brand create better attraction and connection with Vietnamese families.

Above is a look at some common points that create the success of media/advertising campaigns about family values ​​in Vietnam. EloQ believes that family is not only the foundation for each individual to go far in life but also for the development of brands. Within that context, brands which are aiming for Vietnamese market should really take a serious consideration about family marketing.

*X-posted from EloQ’s blog.

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