4 months ago

Venezuela Documentary: COMBATE – THE LAST BATTLE

1 min read

The most #urgent conflict in America is currently happening in Venezuela.

COMBATE – THE LAST BATTLE is a documentary film directed by Temistocles Lopez portraying this terrible situation.

The #dictatorship entrenched in #Venezuela for the past 25 years continues to kill, hijack, and incarcerate #disarmed citizens in an atmosphere of #terror, triggered by the #military junta after they lost the last elections in July.

The legitimately elected president Edmundo González is supposed to take over the reins of the country on January 10th 2025. However, the military junta, led by Nicolás Maduro and supported by Russia, China, Cuba, and Iran, has no intention of giving up control and continues to repress the population with increasing #ruthlessness. The Trump administration is threatening to take #radical measures to oust Maduro once it assumes power.

This is the nerve-wracking conflict that can be followed in the latest episode of COMBATE, a #documentary chronicling the efforts of #opposition leaders in their final battle to restore #democracy to Venezuela.

María Corina Machado, the brave woman who managed to rally #millions of destitute citizens to #vote for democracy is currently hiding, due to constant #threats to her life from her homeland oponents.

The president Edmundo González, backed by María Corina Machado ´s supporters and having won the elections by a landslide of legitimate votes, has been forced to take refuge in #Spain, while adolescents are being jailed and #tortured simply for #posting their online opinions. Journalists and politicians are ruthlessly #prosecuted across the country, with any open dissent effectively #silenced.

The #international community cannot look away from this #tragedy, which has already caused the largest #exodus in America’s history. If the #dictatorship is still #allowed to remain in power, new waves of #refugees will be forced to flee, thus gravely affecting the world’s geopolitical balance and the prospects for international #peace.


The Venezuelan #crisis has its roots in the story of Chavismo, which has been carefully documented in the past few years.

Furthermore, the COMBATE #film demands from the international audience the need to #listen and #watch the true horrors, which are currently unfolding in the American continent.

In order to help the good outcome of the film, you can subscribe to COMBATE´s website and stay informed about the coming news.

Article published by author Neus Flores.

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