5 years ago

Revival of the Gaulleism Mark Long is so high?

3 mins read

Talking about the leaders of the European Union, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who stood in front of the station, has quietly given way to French President Emmanuel Macron. The latter is ambitious and vows to revive the old continent of Europe, but it seems to be a bit too high for the French national trend.

Although Mark Long’s grand plans such as “EU Army” and “Eurozone Budget” are far from reality, he has clearly become the most powerful leader among EU leaders. From the perspective of the new EU governance team, the core leaders are the cronies of Mark Long: the next European Council President Charles Michel has always been the Belgian with Mark Long’s Renew Europe. Party ally; the next European Commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, relied on Mark Long’s nomination to “black horses ran out”; the next ECB president, Christine Lagarde, was also French.

Internal and external movements often have mixed successes

Mark Long, who thought he had mastered his power, also began to make great achievements on the international stage. At the G7 summit in France and the UN General Assembly, he tried to play the role of a middleman, trying to win over Iran and the United States to return to the negotiating table; France also used the domestic digital tax to create pressure for countries around the world to re-examine how to be good Tax-exempt multinational corporations are taxed.

Moreover, when the trend of the domestic yellow vest movement was not as strong as it was in the past, Mark Long also promoted the reform of the retirement system that had not been fully implemented by French leaders, trying to integrate 42 different pension plans across the country and let the French Overall delay in the actual retirement age.

These big-handed operations in one outside and one outside are currently mixed. At the international level, the United States continues to maintain its ultimate pressure on Iran, and there is no opportunity for negotiation. At home, its retirement system reform has also met with strong trade union opposition, from opera personnel, railway employees, to police. Lawyers and lawyers all have a strong rebound, and all kinds of strikes and protests are on the verge of launching. And Mark Long’s strategy is to hold a national consultation that lasts for several months, hoping to abandon the motivation of the opponents.

However, on the issue of global taxation, Mark Long seems to have a small success. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) on Wednesday (October 9) proposed a global recalculation of the taxation of multinational corporations, such as taxing a certain percentage of global profits, to prevent today’s multinational companies from setting their profits to low. Tax avoidance operations in tax countries. Some people have described that if the proposal is approved by the major countries in the world, it will be a major change in the international taxation system for 100 years.

Although Mark Long’s series of big moves made him seem to be an innovator, he said that he was just a revivalist of “Gaoleism”. The so-called “Dauerism”, that is, the greatness of the French Republic, must have independent defense and diplomacy, and advocate the full cooperation and integration of the major EU countries, and no longer become a vassal of the United States.

Mark Long’s domestic reform is to rebuild the economic power of France; after he took office, he constantly emphasized the concept of “French country” and wanted to expand France’s independent diplomatic ability; not to mention its European military strength and independent research and development. Technology plan. His tough attitude toward Britain also inherited the idea that General Charles de Gaulle believed that Britain was a US “Trojan horse.”

Ideological invasion is difficult to confront

In the EU system with complicated opinions and political relations, such a high-profile Mark Long will certainly cause a lot of rebound. France’s EU industrial policy commissioner candidate, the current deputy governor of the Bank of France, Sylvie Goulard, on Thursday (October 10) was led by Merkel’s European People’s Party (EPP). Later, Mark Long even more angry that this is the “political game” of the European Parliament.

From these circumstances, Mark Long’s De Gaulle revival dream is still a difficult future and a dangerous place. However, Mark Long’s thinking seems to gradually become the mainstream within the EU system: the next EU Foreign Affairs Commissioner Josep Borrell has unabashedly held high the EU’s “taking the ambition of being a major player in the world’s pattern”; Margrethe Vestager, the EU’s EU competition commissioner, will also take charge of the digital policy in the future. Now it is pre-competitive in the name of anti-competition to the US chip company Broadcom, which means that Trump refers to her “hate the United States.” Criticism turned a blind eye; the outgoing ECB President Mario Draghi also high-profiled that the euro zone should have a unified fiscal policy, which coincides with Mark Long’s proposal.

As the French writer Hugo (Victor Hugo) said: “The invasion of the army can stand up and confront, but the ideological intrusion can not.” Mark Long’s Gaulleism, at least in the EU’s integration, self-contained independent forces At this level, it seems to have become a kind of “intrusion into thought” for the entire EU.


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