5 years ago

Is the NATO 70th Anniversary Summit Coming soon?

3 mins read

US President Trump will depart on Monday (December 2) and set off for London to attend the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 70th Anniversary Summit on Tuesday and Wednesday (December 3 and 4). Surprisingly, Trump, who is accustomed to getting around, has not yet approved the issue of NATO military expenditures. Instead, French President Macron pointed at NATO’s “brain death” and Turkish President Erdogan counter-approved Macron. It was harsh words such as “brain death” that filled the summit with gunpowder flavor again.

This summit, under Macron’s candid criticism of NATO’s “no strategic cooperation”, is expected to take this 70th anniversary to discuss the rise of China and the new international strategic operations of Russian President Putin In this situation, what kind of role should NATO play?

At the same time, Macron specifically drawn out NATO key member Turkey as a violent criticism, stating that the operation of the latter’s entry into northeast Syria was a “crazy behavior” that did not cooperate with NATO countries. He also questioned whether NATO would be invaded if Turkey was invaded by hostile elements for this. Fulfilling their common defense commitments. In line with a series of controversies such as Turkey’s purchase of the S-400 missile defense system from Russia, and Erdogan’s tough response to Macron, how the NATO countries will mediate this key military ally with US nuclear weapons deployed in the territory will also be the summit. A big focus.

Trump is no longer “hot”?

In contrast, President Trump, the de facto leader of NATO, does not seem to be gaining momentum.

The outside world has always been concerned about whether Trump will pressure his allies on the issue of NATO military spending, but the White House extended a “friendship” in advance as early as Friday (November 29), saying that “the transatlantic relationship is in a very, very “Healthy state,” and to show how Trump has succeeded in increasing the military spending of other NATO allies by more than 100 billion U.S. dollars, and more specifically points out that in 2016, only 4 member states ’defense spending reached GDP. 2% required, and due to Trump’s “diplomatic work”, this number has now increased to 9, and by 2024 (by: the last year of Trump’s second term) it will reach 18.

Prior to his departure, Trump ’s “Twitter Alert” also linked his participation in the NATO summit with the domestic “Toumen” impeachment case, saying “When I represented our country at the London NATO summit, Democrats were in “The most ridiculous impeachment hearing in history.” No more criticism of NATO or its member states.

Cooperating with Trump ’s waiver of tariffs on imported cars in the EU last month, the investigation of Article 301 of the “Trade Law”, which was originally announced on Monday against the French digital tax, has no effect. The president who is used to complaining to European allies There seems to be “Mingjin’s withdrawal”. According to the news site Axios, some US officials are more optimistic that Macron’s criticism of NATO may make Trump more positive about NATO.

“NATO Military Expenditure” Has a Leading Opportunity

If Trump really “pulls his troops”, it is understandable. First, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has visited the White House twice this year to persuade Trump that its members have increased their military expenditures one after another, giving Trump a “time to take credit” at any time. Opportunity.

Secondly, because the American people generally have a very good perception of major European countries, they are surrounded by a group of NATO leaders on the international stage, and they are led by military issues, which will also highlight the image of Trump ’s national leader, which is exactly the same as this week. Third, members of the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives of the NATO summit “impeached” the first time in the impeachment of the political mud wrestling in the hearing, in sharp contrast.

Furthermore, in the context of the 2020 elections and the impending storm of domestic impeachment, it is even more unnecessary to set off a diplomatic storm that cannot be resolved at this time. Therefore, Trump’s various foreign affairs can be resolved as best he can (such as the China-US trade issue), and those that cannot be resolved continue to be delayed (such as North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, etc.), while the NATO military issue seems to belong to the former.

However, for Trump who has not covered his mouth, even if he intended to “make money”, he might not be able to control it and become “drumming.”

Host UK will hold general elections on December 12, and Conservative Prime Minister Boris Johnson has publicly called on Trump not to get involved in British elections-the latter has repeatedly publicly criticized Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn-Trump arrived Whether Britain can withstand the temptation to scold this international left-wing veteran in the future will be his first challenge in his journey at the NATO summit.


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