5 years ago

US Media Quotes Sources: Two Countries Nearly Agree to Abolish Tariffs

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us china negotiations

There are still 10 days before the date on December 15 when the U.S. imposes tariffs on about US $ 156 billion in Chinese goods, and US President Donald Trump ’s speech on December 5 has taken another turn, suggesting the cancellation of tariffs on Chinese goods. Possibility. Bloomberg quoted people familiar with the matter on the 5th as if they were sending Christmas gifts to the outside world, saying that the two countries were close to reaching an agreement on the amount of tariffs to be lifted.

Reuters reported on December 5 that, in response to a question from reporters on whether to levy tariffs on Chinese goods as scheduled on December 15, Trump responded that “should look again.” He said that the current trade talks with China are progressing well, “What may happen on December 15th, but it has not been discussed yet (what will happen).”

Trump said in London on December 3 that there is no deadline for US-China trade talks. His statement seems to be a deliberate declaration of a protracted trade war.

Sources quoted by Bloomberg requested anonymity in the report, who said Trump’s comments on the urgency of reaching a trade agreement on the 3rd should not be interpreted as negotiations stalled. Sources said that even though the relationship between the two countries was strained by the United States in matters concerning Hong Kong and the new powers, the two countries were close to reaching an agreement on the amount of tariffs to be removed in the “phase one” trade agreement.


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