5 years ago

Unbearable Trump trade pressure on foreign media: bringing China, Japan and South Korea closer

1 min read
China Japan Korea

The end of the China-Japan-Korea Leadership Summit has sent a strong signal of cooperation to the outside world, accused of responding to the current US protectionist and unilateral challenges.

After meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on December 25, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said that Beijing intends to strengthen economic cooperation with Japan in third country markets. He also pointed out that China will accelerate the pace of opening up the service industry to Japan.

The “China-Japan-ROK Cooperation Ten-Year Outlook” released after the China-Japan-Korea meeting adopted the “China-Japan-Korea + X” early harvest project list and other outcome documents. The China-Japan-ROK summit issued an outcome document reaffirming the signing of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) in 2020 and the acceleration of the free trade agreement among the three countries.

The BBC reports that China, Japan, and South Korea are all export-oriented economies that have been severely affected by the trade war. Under the situation of increasing trade friction between the three countries and other countries, the “common interests of China, Japan and South Korea are rising,” Let them “heat the stove.”

Zhang Pohui, director of the Asia-Pacific Research Center at Lingnan University in Hong Kong, said: “China is Japan’s largest trading partner, which Japan cannot avoid. In addition, US President Donald Trump often criticizes allies for their defense of the United States. The decline in pledge confidence has upset Japan in terms of trade and defense, making it necessary for Japan to place multiple bets. “

The German “Handelsblatt” in an article entitled “China-Japan-Korea Summit-Northeast Asia” enemies “gathered to seek cooperation” said that in the context of the trade war against the United States, China is working to resolve Diplomatic crisis. At the meeting, Xi Jinping and Shinzo Abe promised to each other to elevate bilateral relations to a “new level.”

Japan’s “Yomiuri Shimbun” reported that as the Sino-U.S. Trade friction persists for a long time, China has strengthened its economic ties with Japan in order to obviously restrain the United States.


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