Narfex is a crypto exchange run and operated from Indonesia under registration of the United Arab Emirates. Narfex has grown significantly over the last 12 months currently trading volume of over $100 million in the exchange.
Hujan Asset Management is also investing into blockchain and digital asset space as it sees extreme potential in this so-called modern and new market. Hujan Asset Management takes managed risk and invests only into guaranteed return projects. Narfex was vetted and grown with support of Ayla & Associates. Narfex has acquired a large user base in just less than 6 months and is looking to 10x its size in the next 12 months.
Digital asset market has seen its ups and downs. The first wave of extreme profitability was in 2017/2018 before the crash, then once again a new wave of profitability hit during 2021. According to market research done by Hujan Asset Management, the digital asset market is volatile and this fact is confirmed but from the professional view, the volatility is profitability if you are able to manage.
Hujan Asset Management is looking into automated artificial intelligence based algorithms to connect to crypto exchanges with an ability to trade on long and short positions. The Stankevicius Group tech division has been working on such an algorithm for the last year. Hujan Asset Management sees profitable opportunities by merging businesses together and creating new concepts in which businesses and abilities collide together into new ventures and new strategies leading to profitable return exits.