2 years ago

Why Investing in Cryptocurrency Creates Bad Habits

4 mins read

When we talk about crypto you are quite negative. I like scientific breakthroughs. It will certainly have an implementation in some way in people’s lives. Very few people know that companies like MasterCard are the world’s second largest investor in blockchain technology.

People will hear that Amazon is at a loss, Walmart is at a loss, MasterCard is the main investor in currency. when someone hears something they don’t believe in, they say to themselves, “Yeah, that’s not true!”

Crypto maniacs will come and say, “Look at these two, they don’t understand anything. Read the Bitcoin standard, get smart – the new gold. Buy it.”

There are basically two types – pros and cons.

Some say that now the currency will rise to 1 million.

One Satoshi will become one dollar, and now it is 10 cents.

And others say it will be 0. What do you think? First of all, let me say that I remembered the name of a book. It is said: “The incredibly sensational delusions and madness of the crowds.”

That’s what it’s called. The book about getting rich quick? It is in two volumes. It is available on the Internet. The book is in Bulgarian. They can buy it.

We publish it – Together Academy. We did not write it. The book describes historically similar hypes. Such as cryptocurrencies at the moment. There have always been such things. I really like Blockchain technology.

I’ve always liked her a lot. Since 2012 I have been following it as a technology. To this day, I am regularly informed about how this technology is going. I have friends who really want to bring this technology to some public benefit.

For now, their success is weak, but they have interesting projects. I follow these things from an economic point of view. I have always been interested in economics.

I’m not negative. I do not have such an experience of being negative. Well, I paraphrase, not negative, but skeptical. I’m not even skeptical. I just understand the process very well. Rather, what may have seemed like negativism to you is that investing in cryptocurrencies (this is quite different from the scientific breakthrough made with Blockchain) creates bad habits in people. Many quality people, I know some – extremely quality people, are deceived. It will not be bad for these people.

This is a lottery type of investment. Some will win – others will lose. This is normal. The point is that it will take 2-3-8 years. A person who is very high quality will not have done real work during these years. This is not a real job.

You are speculating. This is not an investment. In currencies, to win one, one must lose. At the moment, this is the situation. It’s the same in many other places. This is the case in exchange traded shares. There is no point in demonizing cryptocurrencies. There are many other things that are so Stock-traded stocks are exactly the same. Most of them have nothing. For example, Amazon. There is no economy there. You have a service that has to be subsidized for 20 years, is this an economy?

You know? These are different things. There is no need to demonize. The problem is with habits. A person who has learned not to work and to wait for money from something. That is, do not rely on your own productivity. And to try from elsewhere.

Yes, he can’t acquire these habits from then on. Or at least it will be very difficult. Soon someone came in front of the block, sorry to interrupt.

There was a boy, I was a teenager. Let’s say I was 15 years old. The boy wanted pennies from me. I was out of pocket then. I hadn’t started working yet. I started working at the age of 16. After a while, I was already working and had a car. The boy started asking for pennies and CDs. The boy said, “Do you have a CD to give me?” CDs were very fashionable then. Now, if I’m 34, he’s 40.

He is no longer a boy, but a man. I go home and the man says, “Give me a lev?” And I give. She yells wait, takes something out of the bag and gives it to him. The man shouts: “Do you have pennies for coffee?”

I tell him, “Wait. I’m going upstairs now and I’ll get you a box of food.” She was cooking something. “And I’ll make you a coffee” Because I’ve known him for many years. He never worked. The boy is one head taller than me. I am sure that if we have to wear a sofa now, it will be easier to wear than me. And I ask him, “Okay, I only have one question. You’ve been walking the streets all your life. You’re right, you’re a healthy person.

I’ve asked you 100 times so far and I’ll ask you again. Why didn’t you start work? You’ve been like this for 25 years. Money. Because they give you and it works, you continue in the same spirit. “

This works not only for businesses and schemes to make money and the dishonest way to make money. The beggars do the same. This is the worst thing you can do to such a person. To give it to him. I realize it. If I stop giving it to him, he is more likely to move.

And do you know what he told me?

“Well, you know, I used to watch my mother (So no one even watches anymore), but I’m not good with my head and I’m not hired anywhere.” And I ask him, “Are you trying to go somewhere and say, ‘

I want to wear it?'” For example, to the stock market to help. But that’s right, as long as the market encourages you and gives you money, it will be so. That’s right, if you’ve ever felt negativity in our conversations, then this negativity is in that direction.

There have always been some schemes. There have always been such systems. It’s just a system where one tries to benefit without working. And since it’s not an economic system, as you mentioned – to win one, you have to have another. Losses. All non-economic systems are meaningless to society.Because they have no added value.If you want to know what the consequences of the dream of modernity will be.

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