2 years ago

Dr. Nguyen Khac Thuan praises TOP 100 Business Styles 2021-2022

3 mins read

Dr. Nguyen Khac Thuan, a member of the Top 100 Business Style advisory board for more than a decade, stated, “The award has affirmed that Vietnamese firms always eagerly innovate, have strong developments, and integrate into the world’s great mainstream.”

Dr. Nguyen Khac Thuan – Director of the Institute of Vietnamese Costume, president of the Advisory Council of Top 100 Business Style 2021-2022 – is a historian and university lecturer in Vietnam. He’s also the author of well-known history and cultural books. Dr. Nguyen Khac Thuan had two sets of history books recognized by Guinness Vietnam in 2011. Dr. Nguyen Khac Thuan used joined the army and worked at the “Van Nghe Giai Phong” newspaper during the war before having remarkable research results in the study of history. After 1975, he returned to lecture history and culture to many generations of students, but he always remembered his masters, who passed on the glorious historical stories of the country. 

Psychologist – Dr. Ly Thi Mai, Dr. Nguyen Khac Thuan, and businessman Duong Quoc Nam at the presenting ceremony of his unique book to the National Historical Museum.

In 2015, his partner likewise his wife, Dr. Ly Thi Mai, and many other members joined him to establish the Record Research Institute. Besides, he is also the author of more than 315 research books that have been published and re-edited many times such as Vietnam historical anecdotes (8 volumes), Vietnamese Generals  (5 volumes), General of Vietnam history and culture (5 volumes), Look back to the Ancient (3 volumes),… Also, Dr. Nguyen Khac Thuan had translated, corrected, and annotated the ancient Han-Nom, most notably the anthology of Le Quy Don books anthology, Ha Tien town Hiep town annals of Mac family by Vu The Dinh; O Chau Index by Duong Van An, Dai Nam National Plain Verse by Le Ngo Cat, Pham Dinh Toai,…

Dr. Nguyen Khac Thuan is not frightened of his age or health after several decades of outstanding achievements in the country’s history, and he is always rigorously researching, teaching, and participating in Scientific Conferences conducted at many different organizations. He does not engage in commerce or pay attention to actions that draw public notice; instead, he silently carries out issues according to his own professional abilities.

As a result, Dr. Nguyen Khac Thuan has continued to give his talents and knowledge to activities of the Top 100 business Styles for more than a decade. In 2022, as president of the Advisory Council of the Top 100 Business Style – The Pioneers 2021 – 2022, Dr. Nguyen Khac Thuan – Director of the Institute of Vietnamese Costume, stated: “I am honored to have participated in the Top 100 Business Styles Advisory Council for the past decade. This is an opportunity for me to engage with outstanding entrepreneurs who are talented and ethical as well as those who are known and respected by society. I get to interact with Advisory Council members and entrepreneurs while learning valuable skills. The Top 100 Business Style Award is a prestigious award that is well-received in many nations throughout the world.”

Dr. Nguyen Khac Thuan received the Vietnam Books Award

As someone who has wandered through history, has watched and experienced numerous changes in individuals and around the globe, including the recent breakout of the Covid-19 pandemic, as a result, Dr. Nguyen Khac Thuan ponders and provides insightful experiences for the Top 100 Business Styles 2021-2022, stating that if you want to modernize and trade with the world, you must know how to construct and never stop consolidating the comprehensive strength of the business team.“Being a pioneer necessitates creativity, and pioneering begins with human intelligence. Furthermore, leaders must have a decent heart, a mind that always considers what is beneficial to the community, and a soul that considers the continual growth of civilization – national civilization and human civilization” – Dr. Nguyen Khac Thuan remarked. 

Dr. Nguyen Khac Thuan had his remarks at the honor night for TOP 100 Top 100 Business Style – The Pioneers 2021 – 2022

Vietnam has and is going through 4 technological revolutions, which pioneering businesses have led to open the way for intellectual and digital creativity for the effectiveness of business activities, to bring the great things to the community and humanity, so they are the flag, the activation of the community’s strength. Those are the firm assertions of historian professor, Dr. Nguyen Khac Thuan has spent his whole life with the history of his country and has always followed the development of the Vietnamese entrepreneurs, and enterprises community. “Prominent business will be worthy and respectfully named at the annual Top 100 Business Style Awards” – As he affirmed.

The Top 100 Business Style Award has consistently captivated the Vietnamese and international business communities. The Organizing Committee hopes to introduce new perspectives, practical lessons, and valuable experiences, sharing the essence of the country through talented, courageous, and innovative entrepreneurs willing to overcome challenges in order to succeed and develop the country for the rest of the globe.

This year, the organizers of the programs are on the journey to identify the Top 100 Business Style 2022-2023, with the strong spirit of pioneering the mainstreams, towards the Honoring Ceremony of the Top 100 Business Style Awards 2022-2023. 

The honor ceremony of the Top 100 Business Styles 2022-2023 will be held in January 2023.

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