2 years ago

Awaiting the Top 100 International Outstanding Vietnamese Women Leaders Award  2022 with women leaders community

2 mins read

With humanity and a remarkable series of activities in finding nominations, the Top 100 International Outstanding Vietnamese Women Leaders Award 2022 is attracting special attention from the Vietnamese and international business communities.

The Top 100 International Outstanding Vietnamese Women Leaders Award 2022 is co-organized by WLIN Global Holdings (WGH) and WLIN Global and is produced by WMedia Agency. The program is expected to host 1000 domestic and international guests, providing an opportunity for the global business community to connect businesses, expand relationships, and develop, all while affirming the position of female business leaders in the modern era.

Through domestically and internationally Business Lunch and Business Matching programs that are continuously held – The series of events is part of the journey to find prominent names for the award – all members expressed their excitement when looking forward to the big event on October 28, 2022.

“I am honored and proud to be a WLIN Partner of WLIN Global Holdings, where we will work together to build a successful and happy community of female leaders. The Top 100 International Outstanding Vietnamese Women Leaders Award 2022 will be held on a grand scale this October. This award, according to Trang, is an encouragement for female leaders to feel confident in their chosen path!” – Businesswoman Nguyen Thi Thu Trang – Chairwoman of Thingo Group, could not hide her delight.

“In Bao Anh’s opinion, the Top 100 International Outstanding Vietnamese Women Leaders Award 2022 is a very significant program. It is a stage for female leaders to demonstrate their intelligence and what they have valued throughout their careers. Furthermore, this is an opportunity to validate the brand that they have worked so hard to build! As a result, female leaders will be more proud, progressive, and have a stronger voice for the female community in the future.” – No less excited, M.A. Bao Anh – President of WLIN La Vie En Rose, expressed.

“The Top 100 International Outstanding Vietnamese Women Leaders Award 2022 is a significant and honorable award for WLIN Global Network members who have actively contributed to the network. The award will empower the elite female leaders to continue to improve themselves, to strive for excellence every day, and to be proud to be a part of the WLIN Global network.” – Could not hide the pride, Miss Beauty Queen Tran Thuy Ngoc Truc, President of WLIN ELITE, shared.

“Personally, I believe the Top 100 International Outstanding Vietnamese Women Leaders Award 2022 is a fantastic event that is attracting a lot of attention and female leaders’ expectations. I will undoubtedly participate, and I will do everything in my influence to be ready to accept and deserve the title! ” – Businesswoman Hoang Song Ha – CEO of Thien Y Pharma, excitedly looking forward to the event.

“WLIN Global has touched my heart and sparked my interest. At WLIN Global, I saw female leaders who had developed strong internal fortitude and affirmed their self-worth. As a result, I believe that the Top 100 International Outstanding Vietnamese Women Leaders 2022 will bring together the prominent, most talented, and courageous flowers !” – Ms.Trinh Thuy Tien, Chairwoman of Thuy Tien Jewelry Company 9999, also shared in the harmony of the program.

As can be seen, the award of Top 100 International Outstanding Vietnamese Women Leaders Award 2022 is currently the focus of public opinion interested in business activities in general and female leaders in particular. Not only that, but the WLIN Global Network members are immensely proud of the award and their growing community.. 

The nationwide search for The Top 100 International Outstanding Vietnamese Women Leaders 2022 is underway to identify prominent names and potential partners to accompany the award. Please do not hesitate to nominate and accompany the Top 100 International Outstanding Vietnamese Women Leaders 2022 – a prestigious and monumental event that is highly anticipated in the Vietnamese and international business communities. As a result, attendees will have the opportunity to effectively promote the personal and corporate brand to the rest of the world.

Register for nominating, companionship, and participation in the Top 100 International Outstanding Vietnamese Women Leaders 2022, NOW


White Palace Convention and Event Center, 108 Pham Van Dong, Hiep Binh Chanh, Thu Duc, HCMC

Date: 28/10/2022

The Top 100 International Outstanding Vietnamese Women Leaders 2022

Organizers: WLIN Global Holdings, WLIN Global

Produced by: WMedia Agency

Companion units: WAcademy, Women Startup, WService

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