2 years ago

“Ngũ Phụng” artwork with 7000 sparkling crystals at the Honoring ceremony of the Top 100 International Outstanding Vietnamese Women Leaders 2022

1 min read

“Ngu Phung” (The Five Phoenixes) Backdrop – an artwork of artist-businesswoman Cherry Tien, Founder of Chera Group – is one of the highlights in the Top 100 International Outstanding Vietnamese Women Leaders Award Ceremony 2022.

<em>The Five Phoenixes an artwork of artist businesswoman Cherry Tien<em>

At the award ceremony of Top 100 International Outstanding Vietnamese Women Leaders 2022, taking place at the White Palace Exhibition and Event Center (HCMC), the backdrop “The Five Phoenixes” – an artwork designed and produced by the artist – businesswoman Cherry Tien is one of the most outstanding highlights. Besides the beautiful and harmonious design, “The Five Phoenixes” is also decorated with 7,000 crystals, enhancing the elegance and impression of the artwork.

This artwork is meant to praise WLIN women leaders with phoenix-like beauty. This mythical bird is the symbol of the women leader of the WLIN Global community – who has all the noble qualities such as Talent – Beauty – Knowledge. Not only having a beautiful appearance and a graceful charisma, the female leaders also possess a strong spirit and are not afraid to fail, like a phoenix that is always reborn and more beautiful in its own flame.

Through the artwork, artist – entrepreneur Cherry Tien wants to convey her desire to develop with WLIN Global and achieve great achievements.

<em>Dr Nguyen Thu Huong President of WLIN Global Holdings with the work The Five Phoenixes<em>

Besides the work “The Five Phoenixes”, artist – businesswoman Cherry Tien and Chera Group also shined with the award “The Best Brands of Women Leaders Choice”. This award aims to honor outstanding Vietnamese and international businesses and brands with prestigious, community-oriented products and services. This is a prestigious award in the Vietnamese business community.

“I feel very happy and honored. This is the first time Chera Group has been honored and awarded in a big and monumental program. This award is a great motivation for my business. Besides, being in contact with and learning from other talented businesswomen helps me to try harder, strive harder to achieve further goals.”, shared Cherry Tien.

<em>Artist businesswoman Cherry Tien was awarded The Best Brands of Women Leaders Choice<em>

Chera Group is active in the fields of creativity, design, and corporate identity, with art design-related including : Chera Design (brand identity design), Chera Homes (office and store interior designp), Chera Art (crystal art, digital painting, NFT painting). The painting “The Five Phoenixes” is one of the products of Chera Art.

“Chera Group’s philosophy is based on the harmony of logic and emotion, as known as the lntelligent quotient (IQ) and Emotional quotient (EQ). We convert business words into creative imagery, reaching out to consumers’ requirements via the enchanting of our works. Our team works together to transform creativity into economic success, fostering and assisting Vietnamese enterprises in reaching out to the rest of the world.” said artist and businesswoman Cherry Tien.

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