Europe From the siege of Merkel to the crusade of Macron NATO chaos The 2019 NATO summit was held in the United Kingdom from December 3rd to 4th. A big highlight around the summit was by Todd Bishop 5 years ago
Europe Macron’s Foolish French Panic The annual meeting of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) will be held in London, UK on December 3 and 4. However, like by Todd Bishop 5 years ago
Europe ISIS blames suspect on London Bridge terrorist attack years ago The terrorist attack on the London Bridge in the United Kingdom, the police said that the suspect Usman Khan was committed alone, by Todd Bishop 5 years ago
Europe Multiple shootings at London Bridge in the UK A sudden accident occurred on the London Bridge in central Britain on November 29. At 1:58 pm, the police received a report by Todd Bishop 5 years ago
Europe Merkel complains about cleaning up Macron’s mess between EU and France “I understand that you really want to do earth-shaking politics, but I’m tired of helping you clean up the mess. Time and by Todd Bishop 5 years ago
Europe Several polls show that the Conservative Party continues to lead The United Kingdom held a general election on December 12, and several polls showed that Prime Minister Johnson (Boris Johnson) had a by Todd Bishop 5 years ago
Europe Will the UK turn up another revolution after Brexit fatigue? The British election on December 12 was approaching. The multi-party hegemony situation that was expected by the outside world did not appear. by Todd Bishop 5 years ago
Europe Johnson is cold and “confidante” Business woman sighs: I am not your one-night stand object Jennifer Arcuri, who was accused of having a personal relationship with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, was interviewed on the British Independent by Todd Bishop 5 years ago
Europe The Brexit and Conservative Party’s future if they leave the British election, Johnson’s future is uncertain. Although the Conservative Party still leads the Labor Party by nearly 10 percentage points in the polls, Prime Minister Johnson’s election is by Todd Bishop 5 years ago
Europe Britain will become a “second-rate role” after Brexit European Council President Donald Tusk gave a speech on November 13th urging British voters not to give up the option to stop by Todd Bishop 5 years ago